आजको प्रत्यक्ष संबाद ”Our Stories” कार्यक्रममा निशान्त गाैचन !!!

आजको प्रत्यक्ष संबाद ”Our Stories” कार्यक्रममा निशान्त गाैचन !!!

लेखापढी म्यागजिन www.lekhapadhi.com काे साप्ताहिक प्रस्तुति OUR STORIES (Talk Show) काे REMARKABLE TALK कार्यक्रममा यस हप्ता नेपालका पहिलाे Beat Boxer & B-Boy सँगकाे प्रस्तुति रहने छ । 

OUR STORIES (Talk Show) काे REMARKABLE TALK कार्यक्रम हरेक हप्ताकाे अाइतबार बेलुका ७ः४५ बजे www.lekhapadhi.com   काे अफिसियल फेसबुक पेज लेखापढी र Our Stories मा प्रत्यक्ष प्रसारण गरिदै अाएकाे छ । यस कार्यक्रमलाइ Host अच्युत गिरीले गर्दछन् । 

काे हुन निशान्त गाैचन

Nishanta Gauchan is currently working with his own influential project Break station. He is founder of Beatbox Nepal and pioneer in beatboxing. He is also a key person in Everest crew B-boying group. Who likes to be called ”NOOR”.
He thinks still in Nepal masses don’t understand Hip-hop and what goes behind the art. We need to educate people and I’m trying to give back to my community through Break Station that gives a platform to many hip-hop artists including beatboxers, where they can talk and share knowledge about their art as well as get a platform where they can showcase their calibre, virtually.
we will be talking in many more critical topics with Nishanta Gauchan on Beatboxing and Nephop.